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Shah Abdul Latif Poetry Karbala

Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai

Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai ( Sindhi : شاھ عبداللطيف ڀٽائي ‎, Urdu : شاہ عبداللطیف بھٹائی ‎; 1689/1690 - 21 december 1752), algemeen bekend onder de eretitels Lakhino Latif , Latif Ghot , Bhittai en Bhit Jo Shah , was een Sindhi Soefi mysticus en dichter , algemeen beschouwd als de grootste dichter van de Sindhi-taal.

Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai
Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai.jpg
Latif Ghot, Bhittai en Bhit Jo Shah
Geboren 1689/1690
Hala Haweli, Sindh , Mughal Empire
Ging dood 21 december 1752 (63 jaar)
Bhit Shah , Sindh
grote werken Shah Jo Risalo

De zeven koninginnen van Sindh

Sindhi literatuur

Sindhi poëzie

Filosofie carrière
Tijdperk Gouden Periode
Regio islamitische filosofie
School soefisme
Taal Sindhi
belangrijkste interesses Islam , Sindhi-literatuur , Sindhi-poëzie , Geschiedenis


  • Shah Inayat Shaheed
    Jalal ad-Din Mohammed Rumi
    Shaikh Sa'adi
    Shah Hussain


  • Sachal Sarmast
    Shaikh Ayaz
    Makhdoom Muhammad Zaman Talib-ul-Mola Syed Ghulam Murtaza Shah

Geboren in een Sayyid-familie (afstammelingen van de islamitische profeet Mohammed via zijn dochter Fatima ) van Hala Haweli in de buurt van het hedendaagse Hyderabad , groeide Latif op in de nabijgelegen stad Kotri Mughal. Op ongeveer 20-jarige leeftijd verliet hij het huis en reisde door Sindh en naburige landen, en ontmoette menig mysticus en Jogi's , wiens invloed duidelijk is in zijn poëzie. Hij keerde na drie jaar terug naar huis, trouwde in een aristocratische familie, maar werd kort daarna weduwe en hertrouwde niet. Zijn vroomheid en spiritualiteit trokken zowel grote aanhang als vijandigheid van enkelen aan. Hij bracht de laatste jaren van zijn leven door in Bhit Shah en stierf in 1752. In de daaropvolgende jaren werd een mausoleum over zijn graf gebouwd en werd het een populair bedevaartsoord.

Zijn gedichten werden door zijn discipelen verzameld in zijn beroemde Shah Jo Risalo . Het werd voor het eerst gepubliceerd in 1866. Sindsdien zijn er verschillende Urdu- en Engelse vertalingen van het werk gepubliceerd. Latif's poëzie is populair onder de mensen van Sindh en hij wordt in de hele provincie vereerd.


Tuhfat al-Kiram en Maqalat al-shu'ara , geschreven door Mir Ali Sher Qani Tahttwi, een tijdgenoot van Shah Abdul Latif, zo'n vijftien jaar na de dood van de dichter, geven enkele basisdetails van zijn leven. Afgezien van deze zijn er echter weinig schriftelijke gegevens uit de vroege periode en het meeste materiaal is van generatie op generatie mondeling overgedragen. De mondelinge overleveringen werden aan het eind van de 19e eeuw verzameld en gedocumenteerd door Mirza Qalich Beg en Mir Abd al-Husayn Sangi. Samen met Thattwi's werken vormen deze de basis voor de schets van het leven van de dichter. [1] [2]

Latif werd geboren in 1689 of 1690 in Hala Haweli in de buurt van het hedendaagse Hala , [3] [4] van Shah Habib, een achterkleinzoon van de soefi- dichter Shah Abdul Karim Bulri . [1] Zijn voorouders herleidden hun afstamming tot de vierde kalief Ali en waren aan het einde van de 14e eeuw vanuit Herat naar Sindh geëmigreerd . [5] Latif bracht de eerste jaren van zijn jeugd door in Hala Haweli, maar het gezin verhuisde vervolgens naar de nabijgelegen stad Kotri Mughal. [3] Volgens de lokale traditie was hij analfabeet, maar zijn gebruik van Arabisch en Perzisch in zijn poëzie en de invloed van de Perzische dichter Rumi die duidelijk op zijn gedachten was, laten zien dat hij goed opgeleid was. [6] [7] Op de leeftijd van ongeveer 20, bracht zijn verliefdheid op Saida Begum, een dochter van een Arghun aristocraat van Kotri Mughal, Mirza Mughal Beg, de familie van Latif in de problemen en moest terugkeren naar Hala Haweli. Haar liefde had echter een diepe impact op de jonge Latif en hij verliet zijn huis, zwervende woestijnen en begon aan een reis door Sindh en aangrenzende landen. [8] [9] Het was misschien tijdens deze reizen dat zijn poëtische aard naar voren kwam. [10] Hij heeft in zijn gedichten de plaatsen genoemd die hij bezocht. Eerst ging hij naar Ganjo Hill in de buurt van wat nu Hyderabad is , daarna reisde hij naar Kalachi (het huidige Karachi ) via Thatta en Banbhore . Op de reis ontmoette hij Jogis en begeleidde hen naar Hinglaj in de bergen in het zuiden van Balochistan . Bij zijn terugkeer naar het oosten bezocht hij Lahut in Lasbela en reisde vervolgens naar Dwarka , Porbandar , Junagadh en verschillende andere plaatsen in de regio Kutch . Terugkerend naar het westen, bezocht hij het Karoonjhar-gebergte in Nagarparkar . Hij nam afscheid van de Jogi's in Thar en ging naar Jaisalmer voordat hij terugkeerde naar Thatta en vervolgens naar huis. Zijn reizen lijken een sterke invloed op zijn poëzie te hebben gehad. [11]

Those who get acquainted with Ganja Hill,
Become Yogis, forsaking all books and scriptures.[12]

Latif returned home after three years.[9] In 1713 Mirza Mughal Beg was killed while in pursuit of robbers who had looted his house. After this incident, Latif was married to Saida Begum, the woman whom he had been in love with. The marriage did not result in any offspring and Saida Begum died a few years into the marriage. Latif did not remarry and remained childless his entire life.[13] [9] He now seems to have settled down and devoted to prayer and worship. His piety attracted a large following, which reportedly earned him hostility of nobles and Noor Mohammad Kalhoro, the ruler of Sindh, who is said to have unsuccessfully tried assassinating him by poisoning.[14]

Some ten years before his death, Latif left his home, relocating to a sandhill a few miles from Hala Haweli, which later became known as Bhit Shah (Mound of Shah), hence his title Bhittai (the dweller of Bhit).[15] Latif died at Bhit on 21 December 1752 (14 Safar 1166 AH) at the age of 63[1] and was buried there.[16] A tomb was built over his grave by the then ruler of Sindh Mian Ghulam Shah Kalhoro in 1754,[6] or 1765.[17]


Latif's poetry is mainly Sufi in nature and deeply religious. He connects the traditional folk tales with the divine love.[4] The poems, known locally as bayt (pl. abyat) and similar in form to the Indian doha,[1] are lyrical and are intended for a musical performance,[18] and are usually very compact.[19]

In addition, he has also used a bit more relaxed format called wa'i.[1]

اکيون پير ڪري، وڃجي، وو! وڃجي
سپريان جي ڳالهڙي، ڪنهن سان ڪين ڪجي
لڪائي لوڪ کان، ڳجهڙي ڳوٺ نجي
محبتيءَ ميهار جو، سور نه ڪنهن سلجي

Use your eyes as your feet and go to him, oh go to him
Do not speak about the beloved to anyone
Hide him from everyone, and take him home in secret
Do not reveal to anyone the pain caused by your beloved Mehar.[a] (Sur Suhni 5 wa'i)[1]

Latif is said to have always kept with himself the Qur'an, the poems of his ancestor Shah Abdul Karim, and the Mathnawi of Rumi.[20] He seems to have been significantly influenced by the latter;[21] sometimes he reflects his ideas and sometimes translates his verses in his poems.[22] [23]

Rumi has expressed similar idea in his verses:[24]

Come, come, whoever you are,
Wanderer, idolater, worshipper of fire,
Come, and come yet again,
Ours is not a carvan of despair.[24]

During Latif's lifetime, Sindh transitioned from Delhi based Mughal rule to local Kalhora dynasty. During the later part of Latif's life, Nadir Shah Afshar sacked Delhi and made Sindh his tributary. Latif also witnessed Ahmad Shah Durrani's attack on Delhi and his subjection of Sindh to Afghan rule. Despite all this, his poetry is devoid of any mention of these upheavals or the political landscape of his time in general. H. T. Sorley has attributed this to his interest in "eternal verities" and indifference to "transient phenomena" and "petty wars".[16]


Latif's poetry was not written down during his lifetime, but was sung and memorized by his disciples during the musical sessions (Rag) that he used to hold.[25] The poems were compiled after his death into a collection called Shah Jo Risalo (the Book of Shah).[26] The Risalo was first published in 1866 by the German philologist Ernest Trumpp. It contains thirty chapters, called Sur, each focusing on a particular musical mode.[27] Each Sur is further divided into sections, dastan (story) or fasl (chapter), which contain similarly themed abyat. Each section ends with one or more wa'is.[1] Some Surs focus on folk tales of the Indian sub-continent such as Sassui Punhun, Sohni Mehar, Umar Marui, and Lilan Chanesar, whereas others, like Sur Asa and Sur Yaman Kalyan, describe the mystical moods and ideal traditional lover. Sur Sarang is devoted to the praise of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, while Sur Kedaro laments the death of Muhammad's grandson, and Latif's ancestor, Husayn ibn Ali at the Battle of Karbala in 680.[27]

Since the first edition of the Risalo, several other editions have been published by various scholars including Mirza Qalich Beg, Hotchand Molchand Gurbakhshani, Ghulam Muhammad Shahvani, Kalyan Advani, and Nabi Bakhsh Baloch. Urdu translations have been published by Shaikh Ayaz, and Ayaz Husayn Qadiri and Sayyid Vaqar Ahmad Rizvi. The first partial English translation of the Risalo was published by H. T. Sorley in 1940, followed by Elsa Kazi, and Ghulam Ali Allana. Complete translations have been published by Muhammad Yakoob Agha, Amena Khamisani, and others. Early manuscripts of the Risalo as well as published editions show considerable differences in the content. The most widely accepted version has some 3,000 abyat and 200 wa'is.[1]


Latif is regarded as the greatest Sufi poet of the Sindhi language,[1] [9] and the national poet of Sindh.[28] According to the orientalist Annemarie Schimmel, he is "The most outstanding master of popular Sufi poetry in Pakistan."[29] According to Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Latif's Risalo has been compared with Rumi's Mathnawi, and Latif was "direct emanations of Rūmī's spirituality in the Indian world."[21] Every Thursday evening, Latif's poetry is sung by traditional musicians and dervishes at the shrine in a typical ecstatic style. The performance is commonly referred to as Shah jo Rag (Shah's music).[1] [17]

Popular culture

Latif's poetry is popular among the commons folk in Sindh, including both Muslims and Hindus. Latif's own connections with Jogis and Sanyasis may have contributed to this. The folk tales narrated in the Surs of the Risalo are frequently recounted and sung to children.[28] Many anecdotes of haigographical nature are famous among the locals. One such story holds that when he was being taught the alphabet, he refused to learn anything beyond the letter Alif for it signifies the name of God (Allah) and there is nothing of value beyond it.[16] Another story of this kind asserts that his followers presented him a written copy of the Risalo, which he threw away in the nearby Kirar lake after having read it. When the followers protested, he allowed them to rewrite the entire Risalo by narrating it from his memory.[30] His tomb is a popular pilgrimage site in Sindh.[28]


The Urs, annual commemorative death ceremony of his, commences every year on 14 Safar (2nd month of the Hijra calendar) and lasts for three days, featuring prayers, music, exhibitions, literary conferences, and horse races. People visit the shrine from all over the province.[31] [32] A 16-foot-high statue of Latif was erected in front of the Bhit Shah rest house on the occasion of his 274th Urs in 2017.[33]

Zie ook

  • Khawaja Muhammad Zaman of Luari
  • Sachal Sarmast


  1. ^ a b Translation by Christopher Shackle.[1]
  2. ^ Translation by Mubarak Ali Lashari and Muhammad Safeer Awan.[22]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Shackle 2013.
  2. ^ Sorley 1966, p. 170.
  3. ^ a b Sorley 1966, p. 172.
  4. ^ a b Baqir 1982.
  5. ^ Jotwani 1986, pp. 95–96.
  6. ^ a b Sorley 1966, p. 174.
  7. ^ Jotwani 1986, pp. 103–104.
  8. ^ Advani 1970, pp. 14–15.
  9. ^ a b c d Smith 2012, p. 7.
  10. ^ Jotwani 1986, pp. 107–108.
  11. ^ Jotwani 1986, pp. 110–117.
  12. ^ Advani 1970, p. 16.
  13. ^ Advani 1970, p. 22.
  14. ^ Advani 1970, pp. 23–24.
  15. ^ Advani 1970, pp. 24–25.
  16. ^ a b c Sorley 1966, p. 171.
  17. ^ a b Schimmel 1976, p. 151.
  18. ^ Sorley 1966, p. 224.
  19. ^ Schimmel 1975, p. 390.
  20. ^ Smith 2012, p. 8.
  21. ^ a b Nasr 1975, p. 182.
  22. ^ a b Lashari & Awan 2014.
  23. ^ Schimmel 1975, pp. 392–393.
  24. ^ a b c Lashari & Awan 2014, p. 53.
  25. ^ Baloch 2010, p. 11.
  26. ^ Sorley 1960, pp. 1194–1195.
  27. ^ a b Schimmel 1975, pp. 390–391.
  28. ^ a b c Sorley 1960, p. 1195.
  29. ^ Schimmel 1975, p. 389.
  30. ^ Sorley 1966, p. 175.
  31. ^ Ahmed 2015.
  32. ^ "Urs celebrations of Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai commence". The Express Tribune. 5 November 2017. Archived from the original on 9 November 2020. Retrieved 5 March 2021.
  33. ^ "Bhitai's statue on display". Dawn. 5 November 2017. Archived from the original on 29 November 2020. Retrieved 5 March 2021.


  • Advani, K. B. (1970). Makers of Indian Literature: Shah Latif. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi.
  • Ahmed, Vaqar (10 April 2015). "Bhit Shah: After the dhamaal". Dawn. Archived from the original on 30 November 2020. Retrieved 5 March 2021.
  • Baqir, M. (1982). "ʿAbd-al-Laṭīf Bheṭāʾī". Encyclopaedia Iranica. 1. Encyclopædia Iranica Foundation. Retrieved 28 February 2021.
  • Baloch, Nabi Bakhsh (2010). Life and Thought of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai. Translated by Umrani, Gul Muhammad. Karachi: Culture Department, Government of Sindh.
  • Fatimi, S. Q. (2002). "Shah ʿAbd al-Laṭīf Ḇẖiṭāʾī and the East India Company". Islamic Studies. 41 (3): 495–505. JSTOR 20837213.
  • Jotwani, Motilal (1986). Sufis of Sindh. New Delhi: Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. ISBN9788123023410.
  • Lashari, Mubarak Ali; Awan, Muhammad Safeer (2014). "The Concept of Love: A Comparative Study of Maulana Rumi and Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai". 1st Mediterranean Interdisciplinary Forum on Social Sciences and Humanities, MISFS 2014, vol.2, 23–26 April 2014, Beirut, Lebanon. 2. Kocani: European Scientific Institute. pp. 52–59. ISBN978-608-4642-21-3.
  • Nasr, Seyyed Hossein (1975). "Rūmī and the Sufi Tradition". In Chelkowski, Peter J. (ed.). The Scholar and the Saint: Studies in Commemoration of Abuʼl-Rayhan Al-Bīrūni and Jalal Al-Din Al-Rūmī. New York: New York University Press. pp. 169–185. ISBN9780814713600.
  • Schimmel, Annemarie (1975). Mystical Dimensions of Islam. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. ISBN978-0-8078-1271-6.
  • Schimmel, Annemarie (1976). Pain and Grace: A Study of Two Mystical Writers of Eighteenth-Century Muslim India. Leiden: E. J. Brill. ISBN9789004378544.
  • Smith, Paul (2012). Shah Latif: Selected Poems. Victoria, AU: New Humanity Books, Book Heaven. ISBN978-1480039933.
  • Sorley, H. T. (1960). "Bhitāʾī". In Gibb, H. A. R.; Kramers, J. H.; Lévi-Provençal, E.; Schacht, J.; Lewis, B. & Pellat, Ch. (eds.). The Encyclopaedia of Islam, New Edition, Volume I: A–B. Leiden: E. J. Brill. pp. 1194–1195. OCLC 495469456.
  • Sorley, H. T. (1966) [1940]. Shah Abdul Latif of Bhit: His Poetry, Life and Times: A Study of Literary, Social and Economic Conditions in Eighteenth Century Sind. Karachi: Oxford University Press. ISBN978-0196360294.
  • Shackle, Christopher (2013). "ʿAbd al-Laṭīf". In Fleet, Kate; Krämer, Gudrun; Matringe, Denis; Nawas, John; Rowson, Everett (eds.). Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE. Brill Online. doi:10.1163/1573-3912_ei3_COM_24149. ISSN 1873-9830.

Externe links


  • M. M. Gidvani (1922). Shah Abdul Latif. London: The India Society.
  • Biography of Shah Abdul Latif
  • Shah Bhitai — The soul of Sindh
  • Life and times of Shah Bhitai


  • Shah Latif's poetry: translated into English by Elsa Kazi
  • Audio samples of Shah Bhitai's poetry set to music

Coordinates: 25°48′24.21″N 68°29′28.76″E / 25.8067250°N 68.4913222°E / 25.8067250; 68.4913222

Shah Abdul Latif Poetry Karbala
