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How to Read Ebv Blood Test Results

It does thing if you are a marathon maven or a CrossFit champion, you lot should never overlook the importance of getting a regular checkup. While many people sympathise the importance of getting a regular checkup, they nevertheless have little data nigh how to read blood test results. By getting information about how to read these tests, you will get an idea virtually how well your organs are working. Keep reading to discover more.

Claret Examination Measurements

Before going whatever further, you need to have clear knowledge about measuring units used for different blood tests. Here are some of the terms and their meanings:

Measuring Unit


fL (femtoliter)

Fraction of one-millionth of a liter


Cells per cubic millimeter

one thousand/Dl

Grams per deciliter


Milliequivalent per liter


International units per liter




Nanograms per liter

Pg (picogram)

One-trillionth of a gram

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

The CBC exam helps evaluate your health by measuring three types of blood cells – white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. You need to know about claret cells to learn how to read blood test results.

White Blood Jail cell (WBC)

Normal range: 4 , 300-x , 800 cmm

Your CBC test volition show the white blood cell count that volition help evaluate the operation of your immune system. Besides called leukocytes, white blood cells increment in number when there is an infection in your body.

WBC Differential Count

There v types of white blood cells, including eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, neutrophils, and monocytes. The claret test measures the shapes, numbers, and sizes of these dissimilar types of white blood cells. The WBC differential helps observe out if the numbers of different cells are in proportion to each other. Whatever irregularity here indicates inflammation, anemia, autoimmune disorders, infections, or other health concerns.

N ormal values of WBC differential count

Normal Values of WBC Differential Count









Cerise Blood Cell (RBC)

Normal r ange: iv.two-5.9 million cmm

The role of reddish blood cells is to deliver oxygen to tissues in your body. You may accept high RBC counts due to kidney bug, dehydration, or a heart condition. On the other hand, low RBC counts may bespeak nutritional deficiency, anemia, kidney problems, or bone marrow harm. Here is more about cerise blood cells that will help you understand how to read blood examination results properly:

  • Hemoglobin: Ruddy claret cells can deport oxygen due to a poly peptide chosen hemoglobin. The normal range for hemoglobin in men is 13-18g/dL and 12-16g/dL for women. It is important to measure hemoglobin in your claret to determine if your tissues and organs are receiving enough O2.
  • Hematocrit: The measurement shows the number of red blood cells in the volume of claret. Your hematocrit is normal if yous are a man and have it between 45% and 52%. The normal range for women is between 37% and 48%.
  • Mean corpuscular value: The exam measures the average side of red blood cells – corpuscle is only some other proper name for blood prison cell. Abnormal-size ruddy blood cells may indicate a vitamin B12 deficiency. Your test is considered normal if information technology falls between 80 and 100 femtoliters.
  • Mean corpuscular hemoglobin: It is measurement of the average amount of hemoglobin nowadays within RBCs. It is not uncommon to evaluate information technology along with the hateful corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. The normal range is between 28% and 36%.
  • Cherry-red prison cell distribution width (RDW): The exam provides an thought nearly the size and shape of red blood cells. In this example, width does not refer to the size of the cells, just it indicates measurement of distribution. Your test value is normal if it is between 11% and 15%. Abnormal values may indicate anemia, liver disease, nutritional deficiencies, and other health weather.
  • Platelets and mean platelet value (MPV): Platelets are actually fragments of claret cells and help prevent excessive haemorrhage and heal wounds. The normal value is between 150,000 and 400,000mL. If your platelet count is below 150,000 mcL, it increases your risk for excessive haemorrhage. Loftier platelet count increases risk for claret clots.
  • The mean platelet value: The test shows the average amount of platelets in your blood. If information technology is outside the normal range, which is between 7.5 and eleven.v femtoliters, this ways you have an underlying disorder.

Comprehensive Metabolic Console (CMP)

Comprehensive metabolic console or chemistry panel tests the sugar/glucose level, balance of electrolyte and fluid, liver and kidney function. The information in the chart beneath volition be of bang-up help if you want to learn how to read claret examination results.

Normal Range


ALT (alanine aminotransferase)

8-37 IU/50

The examination provides information about the liver enzyme ALT. If your test result is exterior of the normal range, information technology usually indicates liver damage.


3.9-5.0 k/dL

Your liver makes this poly peptide, and high albumin levels usually indicate kidney or liver problems.

A/Grand ratio (albumin/globulin ratio)

Over 1, favoring albumin

Your blood has two types of protein – globulin and albumin. This test compares the levels of both these proteins to assistance identify any health condition that needs attention.

Alkaline phosphatase

44-147 IU/L

It is the enzyme present in bone and liver, and abnormal results signal bone or liver related problems.


10-34 IU/Fifty

Constitute in the heart and liver tissue, the measurement of this enzyme helps identify problems related to heart and liver.

Bilirubin mg/dL

Its measurement helps identify problems related to kidney and liver function, such every bit anemia.

BUN (blood urea nitrogen)

10-20 mg/dL

This helps measure out liver and kidney functions. If you accept high values, yous may have kidney bug; still, high protein nutrition and excessive apply of medications may also affect your examination results.

BUN/Creatinine ratio


It provides information if your kidneys are getting rid of waste properly. High levels of creatinine hateful your kidneys are not excreting waste properly.


90-x.5 mg/dL

High values may indicate kidney bug, sure types of cancer, and overly active thyroids. A deficiency of vitamin D may also raise levels of calcium in bloodstream.



Usually measured every bit part of an electrolyte panel, abnormal values show an overly acidic environment in your body. It may also happen due to multiple myeloma, aridity, adrenal gland dysfunction, or kidney disorders.

Fasting glucose


You may get high test values if you lot take certain medications, are nether stress, or have ingested sugar in your torso only recently.


2.4-iv.ane mg/dL

Loftier levels of phosphorus in body mean yous may have kidney problems. This may happen due to long-term antacid apply, alcohol corruption, malnutrition, or excessive intake of diuretics.


three.7-v.2 mEg/L

It helps maintain proper musculus functions, relay nerve impulses, and regulate heartbeats. You may have high levels due to high blood pressure level drugs and diuretics.


135-145 mEg/L

It helps maintain a balance in water levels and aids with muscle contractions and nerve impulses. High levels may be the issue of excessive intake of corticosteroids, table salt, and pain-relieving medications.

Lipid Console (or Lipid Profile)

When your doctor orders a lipid profile, they inquire for a collection of tests that mensurate dissimilar types of cholesterol as well every bit triglycerides or fats in your blood.

1. Full Cholesterol

Y'all have good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL) in your body, and a total cholesterol exam measures the levels of both types of cholesterol.

2. Triglycerides

Triglycerides are fats found in your claret and are ofttimes responsible for causing middle disease with many other health issues. The normal range is betwixt xl and 160 mg/dL.

three. HDL (Skilful) Cholesterol

HDL is the short class of high-density lipoprotein and is good cholesterol. It helps protect y'all against eye disease. If your score is lower than 40mg/dL, it ways you are at a greater chance of developing heart disease.

4. LDL (Bad) Cholesterol

LDL or low-density lipoprotein is bad cholesterol and clogs your arteries that increases risk for developing heart disease. Yous should aim to keep your LDL cholesterol below 100mg/dL.

five. Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio

The ratio tells a lot about your risk for middle affliction. It is obtained past dividing your practiced cholesterol value into total cholesterol.
